Alla goda ting kommer till ett slut | Avslutning på Fotoskolan

I fredags förra veckan, efter 2,5 år på Fotoskolan Sthlms Bildbehandlarutbildning stod vid där för sista gången tillsammans, utanför porten till våra snart gamla lokaler, med passerbrickan i handen.

Jag hade precis blippat ut mig, ceremoniellt i mina egna tankar, och tog steget över tröskeln - ett språng ut i det okända - såsom jag en gång hade gjort en fin vårdag åt motsatta hållet för ca. 4 år sedan.

I en klunga på andra sidan dörren väntade den sista gruppen av klassen på mig. Som försatta i ett kollektivt trans stod vi där och tittade på varandra, lika oförmögna att ta de där sista stegen vidare till receptionen. En slutgiltig påminnelse från Cronwall om att "glöm inte lämna tillbaka brickan i receptionen innan ni går" låg kvar i luften som ett högtryck innan ett svalkande regnskur.

Det kändes som att alla våra kollektiva minnen från Fotoskolan sköljde över oss samtidigt, som en orkan över en ensam surfare mitt på öppna havet. Tårarna forsade, kramar utbyttes och sakta men säkert började transen att tappa sitt steg ut i den mörka december kvällen tillsammans och åkte hem till våra nära och kära.

Alla goda ting kommer till ett slut!

I close my eyes to old ends. And open my heart to new beginnings.
— Nick Frederickson

Jag har haft turen att få dela de senaste 2.5 åren med världens bästa klasskamrater på Fotoskolans Bildbehandlarutbildning i YHB17. Jag är så tacksam över att ha fått vara del av denna grupp, en härlig blandning av kreativa, kompetenta, roliga och varma personer. 

Ett stort tack till alla som ledsagat oss på Fotoskolan Sthlm, framförallt Mikael Cronwall, Mats Andrén och Julia Hallengren. Tack till alla lärare vi haft och alla yrkesverksamma personer som gjort inhopp i våra diverse workshops. Tack till alla praktikplatser som tagit emot oss och tagit sig tiden att ta hand om oss. Tack bästa Cissi på CR-Studios för alla tips, härliga samtal och goda fikastunder, en mer ödmjuk och härlig person får man leta efter.

För drygt 4 år sedan, tog jag mina första steg över den där tröskeln in till Fotoskolans lokaler som hade öppet hus för sina utbildningar. Den dagen tändes en gnista som gjorde att jag efter mycket självrannsakan gjorde en helomvändning från mitt trygga tillvaro inom IT-branschen. Den dagen bestämde jag mig att ta första steget mot att följa hjärtat, d.v.s att söka mig till Fotoskolan Sthlm. 

Det mest värdefulla jag bär med mig från denna resa är egentligen detsamma som Mikael Cronwall många gånger förmedlat oss sedan första dagen i form av ett A4 papper i klassrummet med texten “Tänk på känslan!”. 

Tänk på (mag)känslan, följ hjärtat och våga ta ett steg ut i det okända!

Bilderna nedan är från vår utställning “It’s in the details” på CFF med efterföljande AW. Tack för mig!

Liit B'day Bash! | Blueberry Night V_2.0

Rafael & Stefan | 20180821

About three weeks ago I had the honor of documenting Rafael and Stefan's big day. The ceremony was held at Solna Kyrka and the reception at Kräftan Värdshus. It was such a beautiful wedding with great atmosphere including lots of laughs, love and the occasional tears of joy. Thank you so much for having me guys, I had soo much fun!!

Street Photography & Urban Series | Apr 2018

Street Photography & Urban Series | March 2018

Street Photography & Urban Series | Feb 2018

Street Photography & Urban Series | Jan 2018

These are my favourite images from Jan 2018.
Most of them shot around Arenastaden in Solna and a couple are from Helenelund/Kista where I used to work before.

Street Photography & Urban Series | The Autumn Sequence

It is with a great feeling of happiness, a lighter heart and an ease of mind that I draft up this post. It's been a hell of a ride. Didn't think I'd see the meaning in of scribbling down my thoughts on this digital notebook any time soon again. Let alone being out there shooting again.

The last couple of months has probably been the most challenging of our lives. Between the wifey setting up her own shop, me starting over to pursue a new career and our beautiful baby boy Leo arriving 3 months early we've been occupied indeed. Or rather barely managed to stay above the surface.

Since Leo as any premature baby needed some help getting through his first time out in the world we've spend the last 8 weeks at two different hospitals. Last week we finally got to come home and take our first steps towards a more "normal" subsistence. More on this in a separate blogpost. I've got so many images to share from Leos first 2 months.

Considering that we've spent a lot time apart from our lovely apartment (God knows I missed the kitchen and cooking a nice meal most) I have been finding myself passing through new urban spaces. And considering that I've needed to vent all the anxiousness and heavy emotions the camera has been a good friend of mine.

Below are my favourite images in a three part mini-series from the last couple of months.


Hagastaden & New Karolinska University Hospital in Solna


Fotoskolan Stockholm, Folkuniversitetet in the city center


Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge &
Areas around Flemingsberg centrum


Family Photo Session | The Eklunds at Gamla Stan

I did an introductory post about our friends the Eklunds a couple of months ago. Well, it's about time for them to guest star the blog again. This time including photos from a family photo session in Stockholm Old Town a couple weeks ago. I had so much fun doing this session and It's so easy for me as a photographer getting good shots when my subjects are this photogenic!

Have a look, aren't they super cute??

Throwback Tuesday | Hanging out with the Cappellaros

The summer is usually the high peak of photo opportunities for most people. For me this is also true, I guess the two biggest factors being that wifey and I are on vacation and travel a lot it's hard not to want to get out there with the camera. This year however was a bit different. We did some travelling but mostly spent the summer at home in Stockholm. Given the weather gods were on our sides we did have a hell of a nice summer. This included time spent with friends, family and also a couple of photo gigs for me! 

After four weeks of inactivity on this here blog, it's time to get back at it again 'cause I've got loads of images to share. First off a throwback to late springtime in May when we had the pleasure of spending time with the Cappellaros and I got the opportunity to shoot Edith on her soccer game. 

Hasta la vista, baby! ;)

Street Photography & Urban Series | The June Sequence

This late spring/early summer period has been a kind of layover period considering my Street Photography project. I've had other stuff that has needed my energy and attention. Nevertheless I had a few opportunities to go out and shoot. Here are my favourite images captured during the last month.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts including images from our family vacation to Biarritz and San Sebastián. Later!

Sebastian & Stella The Chronicles | Cuteness Overload!!

It's been a little over a year since the last post, but it's time again for me to share a collection of photos including my bestest buddies in the whole wide world!

These are my favourite moments captured of Sebastian aka. "Bullen" & Stella aka. "Patata" Englund from the last year.  <8

Mosquito Beach Party 2017

Last year was the first time we attended the Mosquito Beach Party event at Smedis. We had so much fun that this years National Day Celebration was auto-booked in beforehand. 
Even more people had joined compared to last year and fittingly enough this was the only day of the week that the sun blessed us with it's heavenly presence.

We sure did have a blast and I managed to snap away a bunch of images. 

Et Violà!!

Street Photography & Urban Series | The March Sequence

It's about time for a recap of last month's endeavours. I've been continuing to shoot as often as possible and I just love "hitting the streets" with the camera in my hand. Those days when I for some reason can't bring it with me I feel "naked" in a sense, it's as if it's become an extension of me. Also the spring is FINALLY upon us here in Stockholm which means longer days and more photo opportunities...yeaaay!!

I'll do less talking this time and kick things of right away...

Stockholm at magic hour

A classic view of Riddarholmen "The Knight's Islet". Shot from the City Hall.

A classic view of Riddarholmen "The Knight's Islet". Shot from the City Hall.

Riddarholmen a bit later in the evening, magical light!!

Riddarholmen a bit later in the evening, magical light!!

Kastellholmen and af Chapman shot från Strömbron.&nbsp;

Kastellholmen and af Chapman shot från Strömbron. 

In Transit

Bagarmossen Metro Station.

Bagarmossen Metro Station.

Solna Strand Metro Station.&nbsp;

Solna Strand Metro Station. 

Huvudsta Metro Station.

Huvudsta Metro Station.

The Afternoon Rush. Stockholm Central Station.

The Afternoon Rush. Stockholm Central Station.

A grayish afternoon in Arenastaden


A dance of shadow and light


Street Photography & Urban Series | The Jan & Feb Sequence

My main focus for 2017 is definitely to improve as a Street Photographer. With the saying “practice makes perfect” in mind I’ve been taking every chance to hit the streets. Even if it’s just a 30 minute window here or even better a 2 hour opening there, I try to use that time to practice anticipating, visualizing and capturing those special candid moments.

The prerequisite for this to be possible is of course that I'm always carrying my camera with me. This was actually one of the main reasons for my Canon Full frame DSLR to Fuji X mirrorless switch last year and I haven't looked back ever since!! Also I keep notes of different parts of the city that I'd like to photograph for different projects. For instance, I've got a list of locations I'd like to shoot for my Cityscape Sunrise/Blue Hour Series and another list of cool buildings/offices/commercial spaces for my Architecture Series and so on...Since I have the memory equivalent to Dory in "Finding Nemo" this helps me decide very quickly where to go if I have some time off.

So how has this project been coming along you might be inclined to ask...Well I must say that I've got that special feeling, you know, kinda like butterflies in my stomach and the longing to get back to it whenever we're separated. I can't hide it anymore, I'm super in love with street photography!

Side note [Most of the images in this post are captured either inside and/or underground. The reason being that global warming hasn’t really set out here in Sweden so it’s still freaking cold outside!?!…]

Stylistically I've found myself gravitating towards the more minimalistic type of storytelling, trying to focus on a single subject framed in an interesting urban environment. All of the above experienced through the eyes of my everyday companion, my stylishly retro looking and sexy Fujifilm X-Pro2. It’s usually coupled with my lightweight and superfast XF35mmF2 lens which is a perfect street combo! If I’m in the mood for mixing it up then on goes the 18-55mm for those situations where versatility is a benefit. Any-whoo, I keep rambling on….on with the show, below are my favourite images captured during Jan and Feb 2017.


Rissne Metro Station.&nbsp;For this composition I wanted to incorporate some motion blur and needed a pretty long exposure time. I knew that I couldn't do it handheld so I looked around, found a waste bin with the lid closed and could utilize it as …

Rissne Metro Station. For this composition I wanted to incorporate some motion blur and needed a pretty long exposure time. I knew that I couldn't do it handheld so I looked around, found a waste bin with the lid closed and could utilize it as a flat surface to place the camera on. 
Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @18mm 1,3 sec f/11 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Tekniska Högskolan Metro Station.&nbsp;Shot handheld at 1/5 sec.&nbsp;Tack Sharp. Thank you Fujifilm!Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 18mm 1/5 sec f/5,6 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Tekniska Högskolan Metro Station. Shot handheld at 1/5 sec. Tack Sharp. Thank you Fujifilm!
Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 18mm 1/5 sec f/5,6 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

The Exit!?!Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 35mm 1/60 sec f/3,6 ISO 250. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

The Exit!?!
Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 35mm 1/60 sec f/3,6 ISO 250. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/60 sec f/5,6 ISO 2000. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/60 sec f/5,6 ISO 2000. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 30mm 1/60 sec f/8,0 ISO 6400. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 30mm 1/60 sec f/8,0 ISO 6400. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Ongoing project titled "Waiting Room".
These 3 images were shot at Ulriksdals Station which is where I hop on the commuter train to work.

"Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going."-Tennessee WilliamsFujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/8,0 ISO 3200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

"Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going."
-Tennessee Williams
Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/8,0 ISO 3200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/2,8 ISO 800. ACROS Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/2,8 ISO 800. ACROS Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/2,8 ISO 1000. ACROS Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/125 sec f/2,8 ISO 1000. ACROS Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/160 sec f/7,1 ISO 640.&nbsp;Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/160 sec f/7,1 ISO 640. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Geometry.Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/180 sec f/8,0 ISO200.&nbsp;Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF35/2,0 R WR. 1/180 sec f/8,0 ISO200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 18mm 1/5 sec f/5,6 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 18mm 1/5 sec f/5,6 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 22mm 1/60 sec f/11 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

Fujinon XF18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM @ 22mm 1/60 sec f/11 ISO 200. Classic Chrome Film Simulation.

The Picture Perfect Family | Introducing The Eklunds

I've been wanting to share a photo story about our friends the Eklunds for a while now. After our last rendezvous I felt that I got away with enough material to make their introduction on the blog justice. 

It's always such a pleasure hanging out with this picture perfect family. Whenever we're invited to Jennifer and Richards beautiful home it feels like entering a interior design magazine. On top of this they are wonderful hosts and always prepare super delicious food for us all to enjoy. On this particular Sunday, the sun was shining vigorously (no pun intended) and we as everyone else in the northern hemisphere bathed in hopes of restitution of the ever absent Springtime. The light illuminated everything just at that right angle...I'll let the images speak for themselves...

Thank you guys for having us over (again) and kiss the girls for us!!

Family Photo Session | Alissa

A couple weeks back I had a family photo session booked with the lovely Sara, Raber and their super cute bundle of joy Alissa. They were really well prepared and already had ideas on what type of shots they wanted us to capture during the session...peeerfect!!

We had much fun with loads of laughs and shot for about an hour straight. Alissa a.k.a. "Kishmish" did a fantastic job of (almost) sitting still and looking in to the camera...also good job mommy for saving the day and managing to intervene whenever balance became an issue.

Below are some of my favourite images from the shoot. Later!

Mixing Business With Pleasure | Dinner With Colleagues

It's not everyday that you get invited to the CIO's residence for dinner. But then again, it's not every company that fosters such friendly and "open to the floor" mentality plus great social atmosphere as it is done at ÅF. 

The theme of the dinner party was "Your Hobby" and everyone had dressed accordingly to their own interest. So of course I had to bring along my camera and also managed to snap some shots during the evening.

Lena, thank you so much for having us over at your lovely home. It was super!! 

Fujilove & New Architecture Shots

I haven't posted anything gear related on the blog before, but I thought I would be interesting to share my current set-up.

As a prelude to this, I should add that I made the switch over to mirror-less from a Canon 6D fullframe body and a couple lenses sometime around last spring.

The main reason for this switch was to decrease the size and weight of my equipment. Also I wanted a body + lens combo which I could take with me anywhere.

I won't go in to details about the technical stuff, image quality, sensor size and such. There are endless great reviews out there. All I will say is that I really really love shooting with my X-Pro2 and haven't looked back ever since!!

Fujifilm X-Pro2 + Samyang MF 8/2,8 UMC Fish-Eye

Anyhow, recently the family got bigger. I decided to treat myself around X-mas with a new fish-eye. Since I enjoy shooting architecture from time to time I thought this lens could be a nice addition in my camera bag and hopefully enable me to capture interesting perspectives. 

Below are a series of images I captured a couple weeks back around the newly built residential and commercial area Arenastaden in Solna, Stockholm. All the shots are processed from raw using Abobe Lightroom and Fujifilm Classic Chrome Film Simulation.


Lenses in the background, from left to right:
1 - Fujinon XF 35/2,0 R WR
2 - Canon 100/2,0 USM + Photomadd EOS-FX Adapter
3 - Fujinon XF 10-24/4,0 R OIS
4 - Fujinon XF 18-55/2,8-4,0 R LM OIS 

About feeling inspired and seeking for the extraordinary in the mundane

I thought that this was going to be easy. To put down what had inspired me, sparked my enthusiasm so immensely recently for creating and, longing to continue putting a part of me out there in the discrete digital universe through the art of visual story telling.

I now realize that I have to give you some context, take a couple step back, so... Ever since I got hooked on the art of photography I've aspired to create images with that WOW factor. On the path towards that goal, my mission has been to learn as much as possible about all aspects of the game; gear, technique, preparation, visualization, composition, post processing etc.

I absorbed every little piece of information I could find, I read tutorials, reviews, blogs and early on found myself being pulled toward the slower genres of photography, i.e. landscape, seascape and cityscape. If I would name one photographer that inspired me most then it's without a doubt Elia Locardi. He's work and journey is a HUGE inspiration to me.

The thing is that for these type of images I wanted to create, I was confined to the times of day around either sunrise or sunset. But I embraced the laws of physics. I would barley shoot at other times of the day. What kind of self respecting photographer would want to make an image in the middle of the day? This was my default approach unless away on a vacation. Until not long ago when I started feeling that same pull as before but now towards Street Photography. The source of inspiration this time was Vancouver based Ian MacDonald. Around the same time I made the switch from my Canon fullframe DSLR system to the smaller and much more sexy mirror-less Fujifilm system. The result; a lighter and less conspicuous system including great IQ, manual control and awesome retro look. Now I had my camera with me at all times and was able to be out there shooting at any time of the day, it was soo liberating!  

I don't remember how, but recently I happened to stumble upon a blog that has made me open my eyes to yet other forms of story telling. Patrick La Roque, who's imagery and the way he expresses himself  makes me keep coming back to read yet another of his masterpieces. To be able to turn any mundane and ordinary moment into a visual fiesta and a compelling story, that is the direction I feel I want to be taking my story telling. 

With that prequel, here's the first photo series in my approach to share my mundane and ordinary moments with you guys. 


07:17 Saturday Morning.
View from the Kitchen Window.

Breakfeast. Mother-in-law. Deep Conversation.

09:45. Kitchen Window again.
Time for me to hit the shower. I'm off to Gothenburg at noon.